Vamos Moonlight Beach Party in Paralimni

The Party Alarm Project presents us with a charity beach party in Paralimni, next to MAD coast.

The event starts at 22:00 and goes on till late .
Entrance fee is 15 Euros presale and 20 Euros on the door with an “OPEN BAR“.
Limited tickets available at :

  • Klimataria Convenience store – Lewforou Strovolou
  • Obsessions Dvd rentals – Lewforo Makariou Lakatamia
  • My platinum Spa – Lewoforo Lemesou Acropoli
  • Other cities call the infoline @ 99749073

On the decks dj hercules and Andys.P will surprise you with their unique style of music. They are looking forward to ROCK THE BOAT and SHAKE THE DANCE FLOOR ! BE THERE!

Vamos Beach Party