Red Bull Energy Drink & Mix FM give wings to… SOLARSTONE!
Solarstone hits Cyprus as part of his `Rain Stars Eternal` World Tour.
Experience a mind-blowing set featuring his dance floor hits ‘Solarcoaster’, ‘Seven Cities’, ‘Like A Waterfall’, ‘Jump The Next Train’ and his latest song ‘4ever’.
With opening sets by Michael Angelo & Neo
Presale tickets: €15
At the door: €18
Doors open at 11:00 pm
For more info & reservations contact :
Alexandra Nicolaides is a soon-to-be art student at Uni. She enjoys drawing, photographing and And she seems to be obsessed with fisheye photos/cameras and photobooth strips. Her favourite things are cupcakes, rabbits (animals generally, except for cats), tattoos, funky music, pretty movies, pretty clothing, and pretty people... Her room is secretly littered with to-do lists on post-its. She likes to write, but finds creating art a lot more exciting. Always on the look-out for inspiration, but those ideas seem to find themselves onto hidden post-its too. In the not too distant future she would like to be a freelance illustrator, and see a lot more of the world. She’s also very up for partying, and likes to document nightlife through photography, which results in majority of OnThisIslands gallery!
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