The magical classic children’s tale is being brought to life by the Olympic champion skaters, Russain Ice Stars in production by the UK’s Wild Rose Company and John Yiannakis. This magical performance will be taking place at the Eleftheria Stadium, where the team will recreate the magic that effects children all around the world and make it as realistic as it can be.
All the action present at the performance is under direction of Italian Guiseppe Arena, a former member and teacher of La Scarla Ballet company in Milan and one of the most innovative ice choreographers throughout the world. In 2004 Guiseppe was rewarded by the Italian government for his contributions to dance with the title of ‘Cavaliere’ (Knighthood in Italian).
Location: Eleftheria Stadium, Makedonitissa, Nicosia
Tickets: 25 Euros (adults), 12 Euros (children)
March 30 – 8.00pm
March 31 – 5.00pm and 8.00pm
For more information: 22818212