Jamie Scott Live in Cyprus @ 7 Seas Live Music Bar (Limassol)

Jamie Scott Live in Cyprus
Performing for 4 nights is 7 Seas Limassol

Only 2 weeks remain till the date we all get to see the fantastic Jamie Scott perform live in Cyprus at the 7 Seas.
If you don’t think you know who he is, check his MySpace page ( Link Below) he has his songs and videos which you can listen and watch.
He has released a famous song which is being played all over the world and in Cyprus on BFBS all the time. His most popular song called ” When will i, see your face again ? ”

I was completely taken when i saw him live in Glasgow last year.
Check it out and make sure to plan not to miss this truly amazing performance by an terrific voice from a phenomenal upcoming talent.
Oh and ladies i think you will find he’s got the looks too…


For more info on dates and reservations check out our website on http://www.7seaslive.com

Event created by 7 Seas on facebook
and submited by Eddy Nassar to OnThisIsland.com using the
Cyprus Events Application .